
* 1-25: Crag Boats and Wendigos in Dun Morogh South of Kharanos
* 25-50: Kill Wolves around Brenwall Village
* 50-100: Goretusks in Westfall, around Sentinel Hill
* 100-130: Crocolisks and Raptors in Bluegill Marsh in the Wetlands
* 130-150: Bears and Mountain Lions south and west of Tarren Mill
* 150-170: Kill and skin Yetis in the Yeti Cave in Hillsbrad
* 170-180: Raptors all over Arathi Highlands

Alliance & Horde

* 180-220 Raptors, Panthers and Tigers in STV around Nessingways Camp
* 220-250 Raptors and Gorillas all around the Gurabashi Arena
* 250-270 Stags and Hippogryphs in Azshara
* 270-300 Turtles and Chimera in Azshara
* 300-310 Hellboars in Hellfire Peninsula
* 310-330 Ravagers in Hellfire Peninsula
* 330-350 Clefthoofs and other beasts in Nagrand
* 350-375 Netherdrakes in Netherstorm and beasts in Shadowmoon Valley or Blades Edge Mountains

Отредактировано Belchyenok (2008-06-30 19:40:08)